IN CHARGE、TAKE CHARGEの意味、責任を負う、責任を引き受ける

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2010.08.03 (Review of 2006.08.31 edition)

Hello! We've come armed with a two-fisted, can-do edition of WordMaster@Work. We hope you're ready, because our sleeves are already rolled up, and we've got the bull firmly by the horns!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
IN CHARGE / TAKE CHARGE   責任を負う/責任を引き受ける


  • To be in charge is to be responsible for a task, for the operation of a store or company unit, etc.

    To take charge is to take control of a task, company unit, etc.
  • in charge とは、ある業務や、店舗、社内の部署の運営などに対して、誰かが責任を負っている、という意味です。

    take charge は、業務や部署などを監督する、つまり、責任を引き受ける、という意味です。



  1. (restaurant customer with complaint, to waiter)
    I'd like to speak to the person in charge, please.
  2. (manager to assistant)
    I'm leaving you in charge while I'm away from the store.
  3. I just met with the regional director in charge of sales.
  4. They've put Susan in charge of organizing and maintaining our corporate archives.
  5. Since Paul took charge of our Latin American operations, we've had three consecutive years of record profits. With his brilliant leadership, he has really turned things around for us.

英会話レッスンWe're grateful for your company, as always!