(TAKE) THE MINUTESの意味、議事録(を取る)

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Today's Lesson
(TAKE) THE MINUTES   議事録(を取る)


  • The minutes (always plural) of a meeting are the official written record of what was said, done, or decided at a meeting.

    To take the minutes is to make a written record of what is being said, etc., during a meeting.
  • the minutes (常に複数形で用いる)は、会議中の出席者の言動や、決定事項などの、正式な記録文書のことです。

    take the minutes は、会議中の発言内容などの記録文書を作成する、という意味です。



  1. Once they're approved, all of the minutes from our weekly meetings are put in these binders.
  2. (in the body of an e-mail message)
    I've attached the minutes from yesterday's Board meeting for your information.
  3. (the chair at the start of a meeting)
    Would anyone like to volunteer to take the minutes today?

英会話レッスンThanks for your time!