CUT CORNERSの意味、工程を省く、節約する

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It seems this expression comes from the practice of "cutting" across a corner in the road (i.e., taking a "short cut") instead of properly driving all the way to the corner before making the turn. Yes, it's faster, but it can also be dangerous, right?

Today's Lesson CATEGORY: イディオム
CUT CORNERS   工程を省く、節約する


  • To cut corners is to reduce the time, money, or effort required to do something, often by sacrificing quality, safety, etc.
  • cut corners は、多くの場合は質や安全性などを犠牲にして、何かをするのに必要な時間やお金、努力を減らす、つまり、工程を省く、あるいは、節約するという意味です。



  1. (advertisement)
    We don't cut corners. We simply install the highest quality hardwood floors in the business.
  2. Sure you can save money in the short term by cutting corners on plant safety, but you'll probably pay a much higher price in the long term.
  3. Have an idea for how we can cut corners and save money? Then put it in the Employee Suggestion Box and earn up to $1000 in cash!

英会話レッスンCome back tomorrow for another fine edition from Berlitz WordMaster, where our motto is "No corner is worth cutting!"