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(Read today's WordMaster, then see how many typos you can find in the following paragraph.)

Greetings! Were so happy too have you back with us again!.

Today's Lesson
TYPO   誤植


  • A typo (an abbreviation of "typographical error") is a small mistake made during the typing or printing of a text.
  • typo ( typographical error の略語)とは、文章を入力したり、印刷したりするときに生じる小さな誤り、つまり、誤植のことです。



  1. There were dozens of typos in the first draft, mostly spelling errors.
  2. I found a typo on my new business cards and sent them back to the printer.
  3. a: What will they think of next? It says here they're opening a pet saloon (= bar or pub) at the mall.
    b: (laughing) That's got to be a typo. I'm sure they meant "pet SALON".

英会話レッスンNow look again at today's greeting and see how many typos you can spot. You'll find the answer below. Oh, and have a terrific weekend!!

INCORRECT VERSION -- typos are in brackets; * is used for a missing character
Greetings! We[*]re so happy to[o] have you back with us again![.]

Greetings! We're so happy to have you back with us again!