(MAKE) A BUNDLEの意味、大金(を儲ける)

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2011.07.11  (Review of 2007.10.01 edition)

Hello again! How terrific that you could join us for the start of another week!

Money - like all things in this world - comes and goes, and the language is rich with interesting idioms for talking about these changes of fortune. This week, we'll look back on a few of these expressions, first introduced to you in 2007. Enjoy!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
(MAKE) A BUNDLE   大金(を儲ける)


  • A bundle (informal) is a large amount of money.

    To make a bundle is to earn a large amount of money.
  • a bundle とは、多額のお金をさす、くだけた表現です。

    make a bundle は、多額のお金を得る、つまり、大金を儲ける、という意味です。



  1. She's going to be a very wealthy woman if she ever decides to sell her business. It must be worth a bundle.
  2. You can save a bundle by buying groceries in bulk (= in large amounts).
  3. The store looks great now, but the renovations sure cost a bundle!
  4. I made a bundle in the late '80s trading commodities futures.

英会話レッスンYou are now one English expression richer!