THE MEDIAの意味、マスメディア

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2011.06.21  (Review of 2007.10.24 edition)

One cannot overestimate the importance of today's WordMaster, for there is little doubt that each of us is in large part a product of its influence!

Today's Lesson
THE (MASS) MEDIA   マスメディア


  • The media or the mass media is the collection of communication sources - such as newspapers, radio, and television - that can reach very large numbers of people.

    Be Careful (1) ! These expressions can take either a singular or plural verb.

    Be Careful (2) ! We often drop "the" when using the word media in combination with another noun; for example, " media company" and " media studies".
  • the media または the mass media とは、新聞やラジオ、テレビなど、とても多くの人に情報を伝えることができる通信源の総称です。


    注意2: media company (メディア企業)や media studies (メディア学)など、 media という語をほかの語と組み合わせて使う場合、the を落とすことがよくあります。



  1. Government censorship of the media is still a problem in some countries.
  2. Skillful use of the media by the company's marketing department made the product an overnight success.
  3. The mass media generate revenue mainly by selling advertising space to businesses.
  4. For many people, especially in developed countries, the mass media is their primary source of news and information.
  5. (title of a magazine article)
    Is the Internet the new mass media?
  6. The multi-million dollar promotion campaign for the Berlitz Boyz latest CD has generated an incredible amount of media buzz.

英会話レッスンTake care!