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Welcome back! As seems appropriate for an edition that's being sandwiched between two longish breaks, this one's meaty and satisfying. Enjoy!

Today's Lesson
AGENT   代理人、代理店


  • An agent is someone who does business as the representative of another person or company; for example, by selling their product.
  • agent とは、他の人や会社に代わって、(例えば、製品を販売するなど)商売をする人のことです。



  1. My travel agent has gotten me some great deals on flights to Europe.
  2. I'm looking for an insurance agent who can set me up with an affordable disability policy.
  3. My real estate agent keeps telling me that this isn't a good time to sell the house, but she thinks the market is going to recover soon.
  4. Our agent in Moscow is responsible for sales of our men's tailored clothing in Russia, Kazakhstan, and the Ukraine.

英会話レッスンWe'll be back on Friday. Until then, make your mid-week holiday a special one!