
HOME > WordMaster® > ANALYZE | 分析する

2011.04.13 (Review of 2007.06.14 edition)

If ever there was an edition that asked to be looked at closely, this would be it!

Today's Lesson
ANALYZE   分析する


  • To analyze something is to examine it in detail in order to better understand it.

    The noun form is analysis.
  • analyze とは、何かをよりよく理解するために詳細に調べる、つまり、分析する、という意味です。

    名詞形は analysis で、分析のことです。



  1. We've hired a statistician (= an expert in statistics) to analyze the data for us.
  2. I've analyzed the results of the latest customer survey and have made several recommendations based on my findings.
  3. (manager to staff)
    Don't tell me there's nothing that can be done. Analyze the problem and fix it!
  4. Our analysis of recent recruiting trends shows that lack of skills is the primary roadblock for many job seekers.
  5. I could do a statistical (= using statistics) analysis of Web site traffic to see how well you're reaching your target demographic.

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