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2011.02.16(Review of 2006.10.16 edition)

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We've made a career out of investigating the subject of human communication, and one of our most important findings is this: there's a whole lot more to communication than just words! ... And believe it when we say that, for someone called the WordMaster, that is NOT an easy thing to admit!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオムCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
FACE-TO-FACE   顔を合わせて、直接


  • To do something face-to-face is to do it while together in the same place with the other person, rather than over the phone, via e-mail, etc.

    Be Careful! These days, we sometimes use the expression face-to-face simply to mean “while looking at the other person” even when you are not together in the same place; for example, while videoconferencing.
  • face-to-face は、電話やメールなどを利用するのではなく、相手と同じ場所に一緒にいて何かをする、つまり、顔を合わせて、直接、という意味です。

    注意:最近では、face-to-face という表現を、例えばテレビ会議などのように、同じ場所に一緒にいなくても、単に「相手を見て」という意味で使うことがあります。



  1. a: Do you have any contact with him?
    b: Some e-mail correspondence once in a while, but we've never met face-to-face.
  2. Sure, I enjoy our phone conversations, but nothing can take the place of face-to-face communication.
  3. I've scheduled three days of face-to-face negotiations in December.
  4. She gets very nervous during face-to-face interviews.
  5. (to a candidate for a sales position)
    Our company relies heavily on face-to-face sales, so expect to spend most of your time away from the office.

英会話レッスンSee you tomorrow?