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Isn't it nice to know that summer is just five months away?

... Well, try to enjoy today's edition anyway.

Today's Lesson
STATEMENT (= document)   取引明細書、計算書、報告書


  • A statement is a brief document that shows the amount of money put into or taken out of an account, or the amount of money paid or owed on an account.
  • statement とは、口座に払い込まれた金額や口座から引き出された金額、または、ある勘定において支払われた金額や未払いの金額を示す簡単な書類のことです。

STATEMENT (= document)


  1. Would you like to receive your monthly bank statements by e-mail, or do you need a paper copy?
  2. I think there's a mistake on my most recent credit card statement. It should show my account as paid in full.
  3. Before investing in any company, take a close look at the company's financial statements.
  4. (from the Board Handbook for an industry trade group)
    The treasurer will provide the board with an itemized statement of expenditures and receipts at the end of each fiscal year.

英会話レッスンHave a terrific weekend!