
@Work 2010.12.03
And here's the ballistic missile of trade conflict, used only in times of real crisis.
Today's Lesson

EMBARGO   通商禁止、輸出入の禁止


An embargo is a government order to stop trade with another country or to stop the import or export of particular goods.
embargo とは、他国との貿易を中止する、または、特定の物品の輸出入を中止する、政府の命令のことです。


1 The trade embargo against their country has lasted for nearly two decades.
2 The newspaper argued that putting an embargo on imported meat was a case of government overreaction.
3 There's a lot of talk in the United States these days about lifting the embargo on Cuba.
英会話レッスン Ready to lay down your weapons and enjoy the weekend armistice? We sure are!

Peace be with you!