@Work 2010.11.30
Two results of globalization and international trade are that the world keeps getting smaller and once-distant and disparate countries come to look more and more alike.
Today's Lesson



To westernize is become, or cause to become, more like North America and Europe.

The noun form is westernization.
westernize は、北米やヨーロッパのようになる、またはそうする、つまり、西洋化する、という意味です。

名詞形は westernization で、西洋化、という意味です。


1 Although the country began to westernize after WWII, they were able to maintain many of their traditional values.
2 I was surprised by how much the city has been westernized since I went there last.
3 Up to now, our marketing strategy has been tailor-made for a handful of westernized countries. We'll have to take a whole new approach if we hope to open up new markets in Central Asia.
4 The most visible sign of westernization there is all the American fast-food restaurants you see in the cities.
英会話レッスン Take care!