BACK PAYの意味、未払賃金

@Work 2010.11.02
Not to be confused with “payback”, here's our latest edition!
Today's Lesson
BACK PAY   未払賃金
Back pay is money that an employer owes you for work that was done during a previous pay period.
back pay とは、過去の給与期間にした仕事に対して、雇用主が支払っていない賃金のことです。
1 They forgot to pay me for overtime this month, so I'll be getting some back pay on my next paycheck.
2 My previous employer still owes me four months back pay.
3 The woman is suing the company for $150,000 in back pay, claiming that she was fired from her job unfairly.
英会話レッスン Enjoy your day off tomorrow (Culture Day!) and we'll look forward to seeing you back here on Thursday. Bye for now!