
HOME > WordMaster® > OPTIMIZE | 最大限に高める、最適化する


We're back with more business-English bliss. Enjoy!

Today's Lesson
OPTIMIZE   最大限に高める、最適化する


  • To optimize performance, efficiency, the use of something, etc., is to make it as good or effective as possible.
  • optimize は、性能、効率、何かの利用などを、できるだけ良く、効果的にする、という意味です。


  1. We've tried to optimize office productivity and morale by encouraging our employees to balance work with play.
  2. (employee to someone in IT department)
    Would you have some time this week to show me how to optimize the performance of my computer?
  3. The new Berlitz 3D converter is optimized for use with all Berlitz HD TVs.

英会話レッスンMaximize your pleasure this weekend!