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Just as “white” follows “black” and “the birds” precede “the bees”, we just naturally link “supply” with...

Today's Lesson


  • The demand for a product is a measure of how much people want or need it.
  • demand とは、人々がある製品をどれだけ欲したり、必要としているかという尺度、つまり、需要のことです。



  1. The company announced in a press release this morning that demand for its new line of designer mouse devices is far exceeding expectations.
  2. We're going to have to beef up production in order to meet the demand.
  3. There was little demand for the vehicle after numerous safety problems prompted three recalls in as many years.
  4. The United Nations is forecasting increased demand for meat products in that part of the world as incomes rise.
  5. It's not price gouging. They're just setting prices based on supply and demand.

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