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Wondering what today's topic is? Well, here's the long and short of it!

Today's Lesson


  • The expression long-term is used to talk about something that will continue for, or involves, a long period of time.

    Short-term is used to talk about something that will continue for, or involves, a short period of time.

    The noun forms of these expressions usually begin with the article “the”, as in the long term and the short term.
  • long-term は、長い期間続くものや、長い期間を要するものについて使われます。

    short-term は、短い期間続くものや、短い期間を要するものについて使われます。

    これらの表現の名詞形は、the long term (長期)や the short term (短期)のように、通常は冠詞の the をつけます。


  1. The document outlines the company's long-term strategy for competitive success.
  2. Nobody really knows what the long-term effects of the currency devaluation will be.
  3. (at a bank)
    I'd like to apply for a short-term business loan.
  4. We can't afford to choose short-term solutions. We need to stay focused on the big picture.
  5. LED lights are more expensive than ordinary bulbs, but they'll save us money in the long term.
  6. I know that stocks haven't been performing well lately, but I'm not worried. I'm investing for the long term.
  7. Although layoffs may improve the bottom line in the short term, it's often at the cost of reduced morale and productivity.

英会話レッスンSo long!