
HOME > WordMaster® > CLOUT | 影響力

2009.08.20(Review of 2006.01.24 edition)

Here's a word that speaks of a trait all powerful people possess. Say it aloud and it even sounds like what it describes!

Today's Lesson
CLOUT   影響力


  • Clout is the power to make or influence important decisions that affect other people.
  • clout とは、他者に影響を与えるような重要な決定を下したり、決定に影響を及ぼす力、つまり、影響力のことです。



  1. No one has more clout in this company than Max. If you want to move up through the ranks quickly, he's a good man to know.
  2. I want to make sure we get approval for the new plant construction by October. Do you know anyone who has some clout with the local government?
  3. She's gained a lot of clout at the company recently. The top brass have really come to trust her advice on financial matters.
  4. The Postal Workers Union has over 300,000 members, and they've used their political clout to lobby for improved wages and working conditions.

英会話レッスンHave a terrific day!