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Welcome back! We close the week - and the month - with one last look at the world of money and finance. Let the cash flow!

Today's Lesson
LIQUID   流動性の、現金化しやすい


  • A liquid asset is cash or an asset that can be easily changed into cash.

    To liquidate an asset is to sell it for cash.
    To liquidate a business is to sell its assets in order to pay off debts.

    The noun form is liquidation.
  • A liquid asset は、現金や現金化しやすい資産、つまり、流動資産のことです。

    liquidate an asset と言うと、資産を売って現金にする、という意味です。
    liquidate a business と言うと、借金を返済するために、会社の資産を売却する、という意味です。

    名詞形は liquidation で、換金、弁済、清算、という意味です。



  1. I'd like to invest $85,000 in a mutual fund, but keep the rest more liquid as an emergency fund.
  2. There weren't sufficient liquid assets to pay off the taxes owed on their deceased father's estate, so they had to liquidate some of his real estate holdings.
  3. A long-term capital gain is profit earned after liquidating an asset that was held for more than a year.
  4. During the latest stock market crash, many panicked investors chose to liquidate their shares and hold their capital as cash.
  5. (advertisement for retail store going out of business)
    Don't miss our giant liquidation sale. Everything in the store must go!

英会話レッスンWe wish you the very best of weekends!