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For Life

Hello! If you're looking for a quick and dirty measure of a movie's popularity, just look for the line!

Today's Lesson
LINE (of people)   (人の)列、行列


  • A line - for example, in front of a movie theater box office - is a row of people, cars, etc., one behind the other, waiting for something.
  • line とは、例えば映画館のチケット売り場の前などで、何かを待って並んでいる人や車などの列のことです。

LINE (of people)


  1. When I got to the movie theater, there was already a long line of people waiting to get in. I guess I should have expected that on opening night.
  2. (outside a fast food restaurant)
    a: Look at that line (of cars) at the drive-thru!
    b: Maybe we should just order inside.
  3. (to someone standing in front of a stall at a festival)
    Is this the line for okonomiyaki?
  4. I couldn't believe how crowded it was at the amusement park. We had to wait in line two hours to get on some of the rides!
  5. We'd better get in line to go through security now. We have to board our flight soon.
  6. (two customers outside a popular ramen shop)
    a: How long have you been standing in line?
    b: Almost 30 minutes now. They told us it would only be a 15-minute wait.

英会話レッスンDon't miss the next showing of Berlitz WordMaster! The line forms on the left!