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For Life
2009.03.04(Review of 2004.03.31 edition)

Welcome back! We hope you've brought a watch with you today, because there's something we'd like to ask ...

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 役に立つ表現CATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
WHAT TIME IS IT?   何時ですか。


  • If you'd like to know the time, ask What time is it? or Do you know what time it is?

    A more polite way of asking is Do you have the time?

    Be Careful! Don't forget “the” in the expression Do you have THE time?. “Do you have time?” (without “the”) is used to ask someone if they have enough time to do something; for example, “Do you have time to help me with this?” or “Do you have time for a cup of coffee?”
  • 時間を知りたいときには、What time is it?(何時ですか)、または Do you know what time it is?(何時かわかりますか)と言います。

    より丁寧な尋ね方は、Do you have the time? です。

    注意: Do you have the time? という表現では、time の前に the をつけるのを忘れないようにしましょう。the をつけずに Do you have time? と言うと、人に、何かをする時間があるかどうか尋ねる表現になってしまいます。
    例: Do you have time to help me with this?(これを手伝ってもらえる時間はありますか)、Do you have time for a cup of coffee?(コーヒーを飲む時間はありますか)



  1. (married couple at home)
    GRANT: What time is it, Jill?
    JILL: It's almost six.
    GRANT: Do you mind if I turn on the TV and watch the news?
  2. Do you know what time it is? I forgot my watch.
  3. (waiting at a bus stop)
    MAN: Excuse me, but do you have the time?
    PASSERBY: Yes. It's half past ten.
    MAN: Thank you.

英会話レッスンHard to believe our time's up already. It's been a real pleasure!