
HOME > WordMaster® > FORECLOSE | 抵当流れ処分にする、差し押さえる


Hello again, and welcome to our (U.S.) Independence Day edition!

For many people, a major step toward financial independence is the purchase of a home. Unfortunately, sometimes the dream of home ownership comes to an unhappy end...

Today's Lesson
FORECLOSE   抵当流れ処分にする、差し押さえる


  • To foreclose is to take control of property because the owner has defaulted on the mortgage.

    The noun form is foreclosure.
  • foreclose とは、ローン支払いの債務を履行しなかったために、その人が所有している物件を差し押さえる、という意味です。

    名詞形は foreclosure で、差し押さえ、という意味です。



  1. The bank had to foreclose on the property because the owner was no longer able to keep up payments.
  2. (fictional news report)
    Stocks tumbled once again as the government reported a record-high number of foreclosures in the first quarter.
  3. Bob was able to prevent foreclosure on his home by refinancing with another mortgage company.
  4. She bought a foreclosure house for about 30% less than the market price.

英会話レッスンAfter a rather serious week of @Work editions, you definitely deserve a great weekend. Enjoy it!