DIRECT MARKETINGの意味、ダイレクトマーケティング

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2008.01.15(Review of 2005.08.08 edition)

Let's give all the 20-year-olds in the audience a big round of applause. It's them we have to thank for that very agreeable three-day weekend we've just enjoyed!

We'll finish our two-week walking tour of Madison Avenue by showing you around a neighborhood that has sparked a good deal of controversy throughout its long history. We recommend that you have your cameras ready!

Today's Lesson
DIRECT MARKETING   ダイレクトマーケティング


  • Direct marketing is advertising that's delivered straight to individual consumers - for example, by using postal mail, e-mail, or the telephone - rather than via TV, radio, billboard advertising, etc.
  • direct marketing は、個人消費者に直接送られる広告のことです。テレビ、ラジオ、看板広告などではなく、例えば、郵便、Eメールや電話などを用いて行われます。



  1. One popular approach to direct marketing involves buying a list of addresses and sending out a mass mailing using the post or e-mail.
  2. (a direct marketing company sales rep)
    By using direct marketing, we could double your business in six months.
  3. They've decided to launch a direct marketing campaign from the 1st of the month.

英会話レッスンWe think that was a direct hit!