FINE PRINT、SMALL PRINTの意味、細則、(契約の)詳細事項

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2007.12.26(Review of 2003.10.16 edition)


It's been only four days since we were with you last, but so very much has happened during that time: the winter solstice, the Emperor's birthday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. And with the New Year's holiday set to start in a couple of days, we'll just be able to manage two editions before we part company with you again. Wow! There's no time to waste, is there?

Today's Lesson
FINE PRINT / SMALL PRINT   細則、(契約の)詳細事項


  • The fine print or small print is the part of a contract or similar document that's written in smaller type. Sometimes it contains details and conditions that make the document less favorable to the signer.
  • fine print または small print は、契約書などの一部で、小さな活字で書かれた細則のことです。この部分には、署名する人にとって、その書類が不利になるような、詳細な説明や条件が含まれていることもあります。



  1. a: What do you mean we can't change our flight date? They never told us that!
    b: Actually, they did. I checked our flight confirmation, and it's written in the fine print.
  2. Be sure you read the fine print before signing the lease.
  3. There are three pages of small print at the end of the agreement, filled with all kinds of legal jargon I can't make sense of, so I'm having a lawyer look at it.
  4. There are some hidden fees mentioned only in the small print that you should be aware of before you open an account there.

英会話レッスンTake care!