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2007.12.21(Review of 2006.02.03 edition)

Welcome back! It's Friday, which means it's time to wrap up another week. Today's WordMaster should do the job nicely!

Today's Lesson


  • A summary is a short statement of the most important points in a speech, discussion, story, etc.

    To summarize something is to give a summary of it.
  • summary とは、話、議論、物語などの最も重要な点を短くまとめたもの、つまり、要約のことです。

    summarize とは、何かの内容を短くまとめる、つまり、要約する、という意味です。



  1. (recruiter to client)
    This is a summary of the company's offer of employment.
  2. (radio announcement)
    You can hear a summary of the day's news every hour on the hour on this station.
  3. (speaker at a conference)
    Next I would like to summarize the main points of my talk.
  4. (giving a presentation)
    This graph summarizes the results of our research.

英会話レッスンThanks for spending this lovely week with us. And as we won't be seeing you again until Wednesday the 26th, allow us to wish you a very merry Christmas.

... Oh, and by the way, nice presentation!