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2007.09.06(Review of 2005.01.20 edition)


Here's a word to describe a situation where talks come to a grinding halt!

Today's Lesson
DEADLOCK   行き詰まり


  • Deadlock is a situation in which progress in a negotiation cannot be made because neither side will compromise.

    In such a situation, we can also say that the two sides are deadlocked.
  • deadlock は、交渉に参加する両者が、どちらも譲歩しようとしないために、交渉が進展しない状況、つまり、行き詰まりのことです。

    このような状況を、 the two sides are deadlocked と言うこともできます。



  1. After weeks of deadlock, the two sides walked away from the bargaining table in disgust.
  2. Contract talks have been stalled because of a deadlock over royalty payments.
  3. The jurors in the trial have reached a deadlock.
  4. They brought in someone new to mediate and were finally able to break the deadlock that had lasted for months.
  5. When the negotiator made it clear that his people would not be willing to make any further concessions, the talks ended in deadlock.
  6. Lawmakers are deadlocked over the controversial alternative energy bill.

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