
HOME > WordMaster® > MEDIATE | 仲介する、仲裁する

2007.09.05(Review of 2005.01.18 edition)

Disagreements happen in business, but lawsuits can be expensive. So what to do?

Today's Lesson
MEDIATE   仲介する、仲裁する


  • To mediate a disagreement, labor dispute, etc. is to work with each side to try to help them find a solution to their problems.

    To mediate an agreement, compromise, etc. is to successfully solve a disagreement in this way.

    The noun form is mediation.

    Someone who mediates is a mediator.
  • mediate は、意見の不一致や労働争議において、当事者が問題解決策を見出すのを手助けするためにそれぞれと話し合う、つまり、仲介する、という意味です。

    mediate an agreement, compromise と言うと、このように、合意や歩み寄りの仲立ちをして和解することをさします。

    名詞形は、mediation です。

    mediator とは、仲介人のことです。



  1. The politician began his career mediating labor talks for the textile industry.
  2. They've hired a seasoned negotiator to mediate between the two sides to try to bring an end to the strike.
  3. (fictional news report)
    The former head of state was able to mediate a peaceful settlement of the conflict before full-scale war broke out.
  4. The companies were unable to settle the dispute themselves, so they've asked the court for formal mediation.
  5. (director of human resources)
    When an employee has a serious complaint about a supervisor, it may become necessary to appoint a trained mediator to help solve the problem.

英会話レッスンSee you next time!