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2007.01.25(Review of 2004.10.07 edition)

Do you think it's necessary to give in order to receive? Is it possible to get something for nothing? You'll need answers to these questions if you want to apply today's lesson effectively in the real world!

Today's Lesson


  • A concession is something that you agree to do (especially when you would prefer not to) in order to end a disagreement or settle a negotiation.
  • concession は、意見の衝突を終わらせたり、交渉を成立させるために、(特に、本当は望んでいない)何かをすることに合意すること、つまり、譲歩のことです。


  1. (talking about a negotiation)
    a: What did the other side say when you put our latest offer on the table?
    b: They agreed to most of the concessions we asked for. I think we'll be able to sign a contract by the end of the week.
  2. Unless both sides are willing to make concessions, the negotiations will likely stall indefinitely.
  3. (fictional news story)
    In a major concession, the country agreed to impose voluntary restrictions on exports for two years.

英会話レッスンMaking or holding back concessions is a fine art, and having to use a second language makes it even harder. That's where we come in. One word at a time, we help you hone your language skills and build your confidence so that success comes more easily than ever!