HOME > WordMaster® > (MOSQUITO)BITE vs. (BEE)STING | 刺す、虫刺され(蚊) vs. 刺す、虫刺され(蜂)

For Life
2007.08.23(Review of 2002.07.04 edition)

We're back, with more summer beasties!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉CATEGORY: ジャパニーズイングリッシュ
刺す、虫刺され(蚊) vs. 刺す、虫刺され(蜂)


  • In English, we say that mosquitoes bite and bees sting (verb).

    A mosquito bite or bee sting (noun) is the red, swollen, itchy, or painful area on your skin after you are bitten by a mosquito or stung by a bee.

    Be Careful! You can NOT say that a person is “stung” by a mosquito, as in the Japanese expression 蚊に刺された.
    A person is bitten by a mosquito.
  • 英語では、蚊が刺すときは bite を使い、蜂が刺すときは sting (動詞)を使います。

    mosquito bitebee sting (名詞)は、蚊や蜂に刺された後に、皮膚が赤く腫れて痒くなったり、痛くなったりした箇所のことです。

    注意:日本語では、蚊に「刺される」と言いますが、英語では蚊の場合、sting は使いません。bite を使います。



  1. The mosquitoes are terrible today. I must have been bitten a dozen times already!
  2. a: Did you know that you have a big mosquito bite on your cheek?
    b: Yes, I know. Does it look funny?
  3. a: Have you ever been stung by a bee?
    b: Just once, when I was little.
  4. People who are allergic to bee stings have to be very careful when they're outside.

英会話レッスンDon't forget the bug spray!