
HOME > WordMaster® > OVERDRESSED vs. UNDERDRESSED | 着飾り過ぎる vs. くだけ過ぎる服装をした

2006.12.05(Review of 2003.08.06 edition)

Hello! What are you wearing to your next party? It's not always an easy decision, is it?

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
着飾り過ぎる vs. くだけ過ぎる服装をした


  • Someone is overdressed if they are wearing clothes that are too formal or fancy for the occasion.

    Someone is underdressed if they are wearing clothes that are too casual for the occasion.
  • overdressed とは、その場にふさわしいとされる服装よりフォーマル過ぎたり、豪華過ぎたりする服を着ている、という意味です。

    反対に、underdressed は、その場にふさわしいとされる服装よりくだけ過ぎた服を着ている、という意味です。


  1. I was really overdressed. I was the only one there in a tuxedo.
  2. I feel a bit overdressed. I thought this was going to be a formal affair.
  3. I'd rather be overdressed for an interview than underdressed. That way, at least they know I'm serious about the job.
  4. Don't you think you're a little underdressed? Why don't you change into something nicer?

英会話レッスンEnjoy the day!