VENTURE CAPITALの意味、ベンチャー・キャピタル、投機資本

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2005.06.06(Review of 2004.06.16 edition)

Welcome, welcome, welcome! It's terrific to be back here with you! What an exciting week this is going to be! If you think business is the most thrilling game in town and that the movers and shakers of industry are the world's real superstars, then this week is definitely for you! And we're going to kick things off right now!

Today's Lesson
VENTURE CAPITAL   ベンチャー・キャピタル、投機資本


  • Venture capital is money invested in start-up companies or other companies that are beginning innovative new business.
  • venture capital とは、新興企業や、革新的な分野に乗り出そうとしている会社に投資する資金のことです。


  1. Venture capital is used for investments that involve high risk and the potential for high reward.
  2. Gerald Stokes has became the newest CEO of “Vested Interests”, a Seattle-based venture capital firm.
  3. We've been speaking with a number of outside investors, as we hope to finance our business with substantial venture capital.

英会話レッスンThat's the end of our first quarter of play. We've got just enough time to catch our breath before the big game resumes!