HOUSEHOLD NAMEの意味、誰もが知っている名前

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2005.03.04 (Review of 2004.03.18 edition)

Happy Friday!! The weekend is just a WordMaster away!

Today's Lesson
HOUSEHOLD NAME   誰もが知っている名前


  • A household name is a person or thing that is so well-known that most people know about it.
  • household name とは、ほとんどの人が知っているくらい有名な人や物のことです。


  1. The CEO's marketing genius helped make MegaBrand, Inc. a household name all over the world.
  2. Since the 2002 World Cup, the team's star player has quickly become a household name in Japan.
  3. Although not exactly a household name, the rap singer Lucinda T has a large and loyal fan base among East Coast teenagers.

英会話レッスンNow soar into the weekend!