For Life
2005.06.16(Review of 2001.06.19 edition)

Welcome aboard! Next stop, WordMaster Station!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違えやすいボキャブラリー


  • A local train stops at every station.

    A semi-express passes some stations without stopping, so it's faster.

    An express is even faster because it passes through more stations without stopping.

    A special express is the fastest of all, often travelling very long distances without making a stop.

    Be Careful! Although we can use the words semi-express, express, and special express with or without the word “train” - for example, we can call an express train simply an express - we usually do NOT use the word “local” alone. We usually say local TRAIN.
  • local train は、各駅に停まる電車のことです。

    semi-express は、いくつかの駅に停まらないため、各駅停車よりはやい電車です。

    express は、さらに多くの駅を通過するので、もっとはやくなります。

    special express は、1番はやく、たいていは長距離を停まらずに走ります。

    注意:semi-expressexpressspecial express は、後ろに train をつけずに単独で使うことができますが-例えば、express train のことは単に express と呼ぶことができます-localは普通、単独で使うことはなく、local TRAIN と言います。


  1. You'll have to take a local train. The express train doesn't stop at that station.
  2. The semi-express doesn't leave until 12:20. You'll get there sooner if you take the next local train.
  3. The express makes five stops between Tokyo Station and the airport. The special express goes directly to the airport without making any stops.

英会話レッスンWe've reached the end of the line. Watch your step as you leave!