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The days lengthen, the sap stirs from its long frigid sleep, and the southern breezes bring the promise of spring. We hope you are well and happy!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
AT A TIME   一度に、一回に


  • At a time means “in one action” or “on one occasion”. For example, if a toaster oven can hold two slices of bread, you can toast two slices at a time.
  • at a time とは、「一度に」とか、「一回に」という意味です。例えば、トースターで2枚同時にパンが焼けるなら、You can toast two slices at a time. というように使います。


  1. My brother eats “ebi-sen” by the handful, but I like to eat them one at a time so they last longer.
  2. I always climb stairs two at a time. It's good exercise.
  3. If you like really fresh fruit, just buy a few at a time.

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