TAX EXILEの意味、税金逃れのための国外移住者

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For every yen you earn and every thing you buy, it seems that the government always wants its share.

Today's Lesson
TAX EXILE   税金逃れのための国外移住者


  • A tax exile is someone who chooses to live outside their country rather than pay tax.
  • tax exile  は、税金を払うより国外に住んだ方がいいという選択をした人のことです。


  1. Many movie stars are tax exiles, preferring to live in tax free places like Monaco rather than pay tax on their earnings.
  2. a: I've just received a large inheritance and the government wants to claim 40% of it in tax.
    b: That seems like a lot.
    a: Yeah, I'm thinking of becoming a tax exile for a couple of years in order to avoid paying the tax.
  3. In some cases, tax exiles are allowed to return to their countries for about 90 days each year before they have to start paying tax.

Do you know anyone who has voluntarily become a tax exile?