GET TOGETHERの意味、(人が)集まる

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Many foreign words and phrases are used in everyday English conversation. For instance, the Italian word "ciao" is often used as an informal "bye." And it's always nice to wish your dining companions a "bon appetite" (French for "good appetite") before beginning a meal.

Today's Lesson
GET TOGETHER   (人が)集まる


  • Get together is a useful phrase for making plans to meet, usually in an informal business context. Use the phrase get together if you want to arrange a meeting or make plans with a business client, colleague or even a friend.
  • get together  は、仕事上のフォーマルではない集まりの計画を立てる場合などに役立つフレーズです。 ミーティングの日時を決めるときや、クライアント・同僚・時には友達などに会う約束をする、というときに使える言い回しです。


  1. We should get together sometime this week to discuss our marketing strategy.
  2. a: I like your idea, Sato-san. Perhaps we could get together soon and discuss it in more detail.
    b: Sure. How about this Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m.? 
  3. The board members got together to talk about a replacement for the CEO.
  4. a: Susan, let's get together after work if you're free.
    b: Sure. I'm not doing anything. Why don't we meet at Joe's Bar at 6 p.m.?
  5. Beginning this month, the sales staff will get together every morning for a brief meeting.
  6. Tom, let's get together and play golf sometime.

How often do you get together with clients, friends or co-workers? Let's get together tomorrow and practice business English! Have a great day!