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Today's LessonCATEGORY: Japanese English
STEER   進行方向を定める


  • To steer a car is to control the direction in which it moves. 

    Be careful:
    Be Careful! We use a “steering wheel” to steer a car. “Handle”(ハンドル)is Japanese-English.
  • steer  は、車などの進行方向をコントロールする、という意味です。 注意:
    進行方向をコントロールするために使うのが、steering wheel です。日本語ではハンドルと呼んでいまが、これは和製英語です。


  1. It's very difficult to steer on these icy roads. 
  2. DRIVER: Can you take the wheel (= steering wheel) and steer while I take off my sweater? I'm hot!
    PASSENGER: Are you kidding? That's dangerous! Pull over to the side of the road before you start taking that off.
  3. (a driver who's just been stopped by the police)
    DRIVER: What makes you think I've been drinking officer?
    POLICEMAN: Because you can't even steer straight!

May the road always be sunny and straight as far as the eye can see!