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For Life

For those of you who prefer your food on the lighter side, here's a WordMaster you're sure to use often!

Today's Lesson
SAUTE   ソテー(炒め焼き)する、ソテー


  • To saute food is to fry it lightly and gently, with just a small amount of oil.

    A saute is a sauteed dish.
  • saute food は、食物を少量の油でさっと炒める、つまり、ソテー(炒め焼き)するという意味です。

    名詞の saute は、ソテーした料理のことです。


  1. (instructions in a cookbook)
    Mince (= cut into very small pieces) a large onion and saute in two tablespoons of olive oil until soft.
  2. My favorite way of cooking salmon is to lightly saute it in butter.
  3. Customer: I'll have the steak, please.
    Waiter: Would you like that with a salad or sauteed spring vegetables?
  4. It's the white wine that makes this mushroom saute so delicious.

Enjoy your day!