World Cup Tournament Format

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Hello and happy Friday to you! Today's WordMaster should not only help you to TALK about the World Cup in English, but it should help many of you to UNDERSTAND the tournament better, too.?

Take a good look!


  • The first part of the World Cup tournament is the first round. In this round, the 32 competing teams are divided into groups of four. Each team plays the other three in its group.

    The top two teams in each group advance to the second round, which includes the Round of 16 (16 teams), the quarter-finals (8 teams), the semi-finals (4 teams), the 3rd-place match (2 teams), and the final (2 teams). In the second round, a team must only win one match to advance to the next stage.

    Also see the 13 February 2002 WordMaster, "FINAL / SEMI-FINAL / PRELIMINARY"
  • サッカーのワールドカップで、32カ国のチームが4チームごとのグループに分かれてリーグ戦を行う段階のことを first round (予選リーグ)といいます。

    first round の各グループの上位2チーム、計16チームがその上の段階、second round (決勝トーナメント)に進みます。second round  は、Round of 16 (決勝トーナメント1回戦)、quarter-finals (準々決勝)、semi-finals (準決勝)、3rd-place match (3位決定戦)、final (決勝)という順番で、勝ち抜き戦が行われます。

    2002/2/13のWordMaster "FINAL / SEMI-FINAL / PRELIMINARY"(決勝/準決勝/予選)参照


  1. If a team wins two of its three first-round matches, it can advance to the second round.
  2. The two teams who lose in the semi-finals will compete against each other in the 3rd-place match.

Here's hoping your weekend doesn't disappoint!